Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Celebrating Best Brains Through LASU PRADSA Awards

Dare Adekoya is a three time scholar of Lagos State University and the Chairman, Award Committee, Public Relations and Advertising Department Students Association (PRADSA) of Lagos State University, School of Communication. The 400 level student of Public Relations and Advertising speaks with ADENIKE ASHOGBON.

What is Public Relations and Advertising Students Association about ?

Public Relations and Advertising Student Association (PRADSA), is the representative body of all students in the department of Public Relations and Advertising of the prestigious Lagos State University (LASU) School of Communication. PRADSA encapsulates all Full time and Part time students.

Why has the department decided to organize the award ceremony?

We have decided to organise the award of excellence in a bid to celebrate young potentials who would emerge professionals in their endeavours. We are taking our time to choose carefully. We celebrate the right people.

What inspired your association to such initiative ?

Brilliant gems have flourished in the department, consequently, celebrating a young mind is a form of motivation so as to yearn to develop abilities to make such one a better functional youth. These resonates in our minds and in turn springs the desire to achieve excellence in our dear students.

How then do PRADSA tend to develop abilities to make the students better functional youths?

As part of d burning desire to achieve this ability. The association is working hand in hand with the department to usurp the Public Relations and Advertising (PRAD) studio and developing many campaigns to help develop a better future.

As the chairman PRADSA award committee, how would the award of excellence unfold?

Its main objective is to develop talents and keep the burning zeal of young potentials. Hence, it is a project that is set to hold after 2nd semester exams and its unique selling proposition is to appeal to all Mass Communication students. It preaches excellence

Since this award is first of its kind in the history of PRADSA, will it be an annual award ceremony?

It is a seed sown in the minds of the coming EXCO, in the succeeding years to come...we would emerge alumni's and we would do all we can to encourage our successors in achieving this excellent task., we set the pace, they must follow.

What would you like to be remember for, as the chairman of the award committee?

I have always love to be remembered for excellence, credibility and a reputable image would readily be positioned in the minds of our audience

What is your advise to students?

Out of the house of a carpenter the Saviour of the world came from, so God has plans for us all. Work what is good towards all, be the best you can be and get busy.

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